Emily Bird found, mostly!
Thanks to a kind reader who stumbled across my Finding Emily Bird blog post and recognized her as the sister-in-law of her ancestor, I learned about Henry's divorce and where to find mention of it on Google Books. That provided clues that pointed to additional information which helped answer three of my four follow-on questions.
- Is the Elias Hubbard who died in 1850 in Buffalo the one Emily married in Westfield in 1829?
Almost certainly.
The Buffalo Evening Post death notice for Elias Hubbard notes that his funeral would be held at the home of his brother-in-law, John Daugherty. The notice positively links Elias Hubbard to Julia, wife of John Daugherty, placing them both as children of Solomon Hubbard.
Justus ("Justin") is the oldest son of Solomon Hubbard. He and Elias are both listed listed as grocers on Main Street in the 1828 Buffalo City directory.
In 1838, Elias sought the New York Assembly's permission to marry following his 1836 divorce from Emily. The timeframe for their marriage mentioned in the petition aligns well with the newspaper mention of their marriage in 1829 ("about ten years since he was married").
While the petition blames Emily for their separation (her "ill temper and disposition"), he does not dispute the charge of adultery.
(Because of his adultery, the Assembly recommends that his petition not be granted.)
- When and where did Emily marry Rufus Hemenway?
Newspapers.com now has early Buffalo newspapers (another tip from the friendly reader!).
The notice of the marriage of Mrs. Emily Hubbard and Rufus Hemenway Jr. published in the Buffalo Patriot and Commercial Advertiser on Wednesday, Sep 06, 1837 ·(Page 1) fits the timeline of 1838 The New York Assembly minutes. ("Emily again married...")
The Rev. Mr. Session was likely Emily's brother-in-law Samuel Sessions, husband of her sister Caroline.
- Where are Emily and Henry in the 1880 census?
I found them! In 1880, Emily is living with her son Henry, Henry's (third) wife Phoebe, and Henry's daughter Ella, born to Henry and his first (deceased) wife, Eleanor Reeves. They are at 933 Washington Street.
The name had been indexed as Haunway. The search criteria that worked was for a Henry born about 1843 in Michigan, living in Buffalo.
- Are there any records of the three children the Bird family document says that Emily bore that did not live to adulthood?
I have not yet found any mention of other children aside from the notation in the Bird Family of New England, 1800s.