
Showing posts from June, 2022

A California gathering of Utah friends

My Bird ancestors were early photography enthusiasts. As a result, I have access to hundreds of old photos, some dating back to the earliest days of photography. Happily, many are labeled with names, dates, and places.  In addition to family members, there are  photos of friends, neighbors, and colleagues.  I love sharing photos that someone else's family might be grateful to see! Tagging  photos  and documents to a deceased individual's profile in the FamilySearch Family Tree will trigger a notification to relatives of that individual (as determined by connections in the shared Family Tree), alerting them to the photo's presence when they log in.  This photo of Birds and friends/colleagues from MT Bird album #12 was taken in July 1948. Back row, L to R are Kenneth Madsen,  Fred and Elizabeth Knobel, my grandparents MT and Florence Bird, and David Madsen.  In front are Luna Brite, wife of Duncan Brite, and Mary Collins Madsen.  (Was Duncan B...